3 Healthy Ways to Take Your Cold Brew Coffee

3 Healthy Ways to Take Your Cold Brew Coffee

I’ve always found the expression “How do you take your coffee?” to be odd. Like, why am I “taking” coffee? Because I love coffee. And “taking” it seems disrespectful. Like, shouldn’t I just politely ask if I can add cream to it? Or leave it be in peace? via GIPHY Anywho. No matter your thoughts on the semantics of “taking your coffee,” today I’d like to share with you three new, healthy (and tasty!) ways to enjoy your cold brew coffee. With respect, of course. 1. Black, Cold and Freaking Delicious: Wandering Bear Cold Brew Straight Black I gotta tell you:…

The post 3 Healthy Ways to Take Your Cold Brew Coffee appeared first on Fit Bottomed Girls.

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