Oxygen Spotlight: 9 Inspiring Fit Women

Oxygen Spotlight: 9 Inspiring Fit Women

These fit females have transformed their lives and are now leading the way for others to do the same.

Amelia Ricci

“It’s crazy to think I’ve been working in fitness for 20 years. Since then, I’ve helped hundreds of women sculpt their dream body and develop a positive mindset to love themselves. Many of my clients are super busy, but I show them that you can turn a crazy pace into a healthier lifestyle that is sustainable. My passion is helping women achieve their fitness goals! I was a fitness expert for Oxygen Australia for 10 years. The research side of fitness excites me because I have a Master of Business degree, majoring in market research. Before I had children, I worked as a marketing director for large organizations. 

Now I’m a mom of two children, run my online coaching business, compete in bikini contests, and love my close friends and family. Fitness is something I see as part of my life forever, and I love meeting others and sharing my passion.”

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Tawny Clark

“I’m a 42-year-old fitness enthusiast from Philadelphia with plenty of unseen battle wounds and scars from my fight with binge-eating disorder, which has been a part of my life since childhood. Though I had physically accomplished a number of activities throughout my life — including running two marathons, completing a Tough Mudder and a triathlon, and even stepping on the NPC bikini stage — I still had not conquered my innermost demons. 

My goal was to recover from my disorderly eating habit once and for all! Once that was accomplished, my goal changed: to inspire and motivate others to realize that eating disorders can be put to rest and that a balanced life of fitness and well-being can be achieved.”

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Kathleen Apodaca

“As a professional in the wine and fitness industries, my mission is to help people live, celebrate and get fit! My personal experiences with weight loss, bodybuilding and teaching group fitness classes have taught me many of the healthy habits that are a must for living a fit lifestyle. After going from being an athlete in high school to gaining 35 pounds in college, I saw my health, confidence and energy levels decline. I knew I had to make a change. 

Through educating myself on nutrition and exercise, I was able to lose the weight and gain my confidence back. It is my mission to share what I have learned so that others don’t have to spend the years it took me to get healthy, fit and confident!”

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Kristen Jauregui

“I have been a 911 dispatcher for 19 years, and I fell into fitness as a way to escape the emotional pressures that my job entails. This led me to do a few competitions and become a fitness trainer, specifically for first responders. Over the past few years, I have noticed that the amount of suicides within the first-responder family has increased. We have a stigma within our walls that have been passed down from generations before us that we are weak if we ask for help, if we unload the emotional backpack that has weighed us down from years and years of hearing and seeing the worst that society can be. These stressors, along with the stress of 12-hour shifts ranging from all day to all night, take a physical and mental toll. 

My mission and purpose are to help first responders improve their physical fitness not only for safety reasons but also to enjoy life after retirement. I also want to build their mental fitness. They will only be as strong as they allow their mind to be!”

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Bobbi Parker Hall

“After getting in the best shape of my life at 56 years old, I began my mission to prevent older women from giving up on their bodies as they age. There is a fitness movement that is revolutionizing the way we see aging women, and many stereotypes are being demolished — women no longer have to associate being called “Grandma” with being out of shape and flabby. More and more, I see women who are fit, strong and healthy well into their 70s, and this really excites me! 

I love being involved in a movement that changes perspectives like this. Becoming physically stronger helped me to be mentally and emotionally stronger. Feeling more connected to myself gave me the power to care again about my hopes and dreams. It empowered me to take more control of my life and to finally make a few hard decisions I had been putting off for years. Become the mother of your own reinvention!”

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Nicole Matthews and Heather Vines-Bright “Imprint”

“We believe that a true transformation begins on the inside and reflects on the outside and that it is the journey of getting there that truly impacts you. We know what it feels like to be lost in our purpose and confused about who we are and what we stand for. We are humbled by our own transformations and inspired by the gift a fit and healthy lifestyle has given us. Our affinity for all things beauty, including makeup and fashion, has paved the way for our styling services. 

We want to give back to other women and impress the importance of finding your “why” and acknowledging that burning desire to be something more, something that truly leaves a lasting IMPRINT. We are both motivated and committed to make a difference and share our love and wisdom with others through fitness, fashion and beauty.”

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Tifani McClanahan

“I am a 47-year-old mom of three, and my love for fitness came as a very young girl. I remember watching bodybuilding shows on TV with my dad. I told him I would be up onstage one day. Long story short, I became a mom in high school — still graduated but put most of my goals and dreams aside to be in that role. Fast-forward 20-plus years, a huge loss in my life brought me to where I am today. 

I started competing about eight or nine years ago. It was what I thought was going to be a “bucket list” thing, and then it became a great distraction and addiction all at the same time. Once I saw how my body could transform from one extreme to another, I wanted to keep going. I did my very first competition as a WBFF bikini model, got a few shows under my belt, and then tried a few more in the NPC federation. I continue to compete to this day!”

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Kimberly Castle

“I am a weight-loss and fat-loss success story and have been featured on the cover of Oxygen magazine and in FitnessRX for Women. Today, I am a working and traveling professional, bikini model and life coach, but in my early 30s, I was overweight, unhealthy and unhappy. Armed with the decision to change my health for the better, I lost 40 pounds and entered my first fitness competition. The empowering experience launched me into the health and fitness industry, and I have been lucky enough to gain the respect of countless fans and professionals! 

My goal is to continue to empower women, spreading the message of loving your body no matter what. I think it’s important that we stop focusing on unimportant things like a number on the scale — that little number used to rule my world! We should be thinking about important things like our real worth and what we have accomplished. Your appearance is just one part of you, and it doesn’t determine who you are or what you are capable of.”

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