The #OxygenBadAssBurpees Challenge Day 15

The #OxygenBadAssBurpees Challenge Day 15

You made it to Day 15! Finish off strong with your final two burpees and show us on social media!

Watch each video carefully, follow our instructions below, and post yourself crushing these burpees with the hashtag #OxygenBadassBurpees for your chance to win.

Beginners can do one to two sets of five to 10 reps each. More advanced participants can shoot for three sets of 15, 20 or more reps. You also can blend them into your existing exercise program, circuit, metcon or Workout of the Day.

Burpee Pull-Up (; 0:23)

Burpee Pull-Up 

1. Find an overhead target such as a pull-up bar that is about 6 to 8 inches above your fingertips when you extend your arms overhead. Center yourself underneath the bar and stand with your feet hip-width apart, arms at your sides.

2. Crouch and place your hands on the floor, then hop your feet behind you so you’re in plank — head, hips and heels aligned, spine and head neutral.

3. Bend your elbows to do a push-up, lowering until your chest touches or nearly touches down.

4. Jump your feet back underneath you and explode upward, reaching your arms overhead and grabbing the bar about shoulder-width apart.

5. Drive your elbows down and back to pull your chest up to the bar. Lower slowly to the start and drop off the bar to the floor.

6. Go right into your next rep.

Burpee Broad Jump (; 0:29)

Burpee Broad Jump

1. Stand with your feet about shoulder-width apart, arms at your sides.

2. Crouch and place your hands on the floor, then hop your feet behind you so you’re in plank — head, hips and heels aligned, spine and head neutral.

3. Bend your elbows to do a push-up, lowering until your chest touches or nearly touches down.

4. Extend your arms into plank, then jump your feet back underneath you.

5. Come to standing and then leap forward as far as you can, swinging your arms to help you cover more distance.

6. Land softly and repeat.

Didn’t get a chance to sign up for the challenge? Join in the fun here.

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