2 Big Announcements—and a Giveaway!

2 Big Announcements—and a Giveaway!

As I always say, summer is my favorite time of year, and this go-round might just be the best. I’ve got two big announcements today that have been a long time coming.

First up, I’ve got two brand spankin’ new condiments for your summer cookouts. Anyone care to take a guess? It’s a pair you won’t want to live without this season.

Next up, I’m handing the reins to my staff next week as they kick off our annual 21-Day Summer, Staff-Led Challenge. They’ll be sharing their favorite Primal eats, their active vacay shots, their relaxation routines and more.

But we’ll have all the blow-out contests and prizes of a traditional 21-Day as well—with one grand prize so big Grok would be proud. It might just be the biggest I’ve ever given away for a Challenge.

And, speaking of giveaways—I’ve got one today with a prize for lucky 5 commenters.

The 21-Day Challenge—and the 21-Day Primal Reset Program

With a new season comes new energy, which is why our team is ready to announce our favorite, much anticipated event of the year: The Primal Blueprint 21-Day Challenge! This year’s challenge will run from June 11-July 1, and we’ve got a big lineup of contests, prizes, and all around fun activities planned for everyone who wants to participate.

Whether you’re new to Mark’s Daily Apple, you’ve been incorporating (but not quite committing) to Primal principles for a while, or you’re an old timer ready for a new layer of Primal living, I hope you’ll join us.

Starting next week, you’ll be able to kick your summer goals into gear with thousands of other Primal folks looking to do the same—all in the service of living awesome and becoming your healthiest self, with the least amount of pain and sacrifice possible.

I’ll have a full announcement next week with all the details, but we’ll also be releasing a massive update, upgrade and reboot of our popular 21-Day Primal Blueprint Challenge course, now the 21-Day Primal Reset—with a whole new line-up of videos and resources to offer you continual support and detailed planning for your Challenge experience—and anytime you need your own reboot. 

I’ll also have a list of resources on the blog Thursday to get the ball rolling. Consider what you want this summer to be in your life and how a 21-Day Challenge experience can kickstart that process. What have you wanted in terms of vitality, weight loss, strength, fitness, energy, calm, and inspiration? Let this month be that beginning.

Get the App—Only Through June 11!

21day-appWe’ve teamed up with Vimify once again to create a Primal Blueprint 21-Day Transformation Challenge accessible from your desktop computer or Android or iOS-compatible device (iPhone or iPad).

First things first: get the Vimify app and join the 21-Day Challenge. Seriously, go download the app—either to your computer or iPhone/iPad/Android—and sign up right now. It’s FREE, it takes just a couple minutes, and it will enrich your experience in the weeks to come. (Note: When signing up, make sure you’ve entered your email address correctly and that your password is at least 8 characters long.)

From there, you’ll have a series of Prep Tasks to complete before the Challenge starts next week, including:

  • Purge your pantry of all non-Primal foods and restock it with Primal fare. Doing this now allows you to jump headfirst into the Challenge when it begins.
  • Do a Primal Essential Movement assessment. Determine your level of physical fitness so you know what you’re working with and can plan fitness goals accordingly.
  • Invite friends to join you in the Challenge. The strength of this app lies in the community you build, the accountability it promotes, and the healthy competition it provides. You need people to get those benefits.

You can also review the Primal Blueprint Guides to the aspects of Primal living that are especially important to success this Challenge, like the 10 Laws, Shopping Guide, Primal Essential Meals, and the Carb Curve.

After that, it’s a waiting game. Once the Challenge begins, the daily tasks will be linked to the daily challenges, contests, and content posted right here on Mark’s Daily Apple.

***Important note: If you want to participate in the app challenge you have to sign up by June 11th. There is no joining mid-Challenge. The app challenge is available all year on a regular, revolving basis, but for this month only, the entry fee has been waived. Long story short, get in soon!

Introducing PRIMAL KITCHEN® Ketchup and Mustard!

I’m thrilled to introduce Primal Kitchen’s latest addition to the game-changing family of condiments. That’s right—ketchup and mustard are back on the menu.

First off, my Organic Unsweetened Ketchup. That’s right, no dates, honey, high fructose corn syrup or other sweeteners in sight. It’s Whole30® approved, paleo-friendly and infused with nourishing, USDA organic ingredients, including organic balsamic vinegar, and packed with the wholesome flavor you’d want from a backyard BBQ. Add its perfect complement with Organic Spicy Brown Mustard. Smoky and savory, it’s packed with zesty turmeric and other USDA organic ingredients for your favorite summer spreads.

Looking to find these in stores near you? Stop by your local Whole Foods Market. They’ll be stocking our Organic Unsweetened Ketchup and Organic Spicy Brown Mustard all summer long! Or order from PrimalKitchen.com today.

And look for a special promotion with our Ketchup and Mustard in tomorrow’s Mark’s Daily Apple newsletter. (Need to sign up? Just scroll to the bottom of this post.)

And Now For the Giveaway…

On Monday, June 18th (Week 2 of the 21-Day Challenge), our Primal Health Coaches will be taking over Dear Mark for an “Ask the Coach” column featuring YOUR questions. So, here’s your chance to ask away—and be entered to win one of 5 FREE Primal Kitchen Ketchup and Mustard prize pairings.

  • Have a question about what it’s like to work with a Primal Health Coach (or the process of becoming one)?
  • A question about beginning a Primal (or keto) transition?
  • Something about your Primal fitness routine?
  • Want to know more about food sensitivities or recovery strategies?

Here’s your chance to get a coach’s perspective on what it’s like not only understanding the Primal principles but also applying them within individual coaching relationships.

Just submit your comment on the board below by midnight PDT tonight (6/5/18), and you’ll be entered to win one of 5 sets of our new PRIMAL KITCHEN Organic Unsweetened Ketchup and Spicy Brown Mustard. The staff and I will choose 5 questions (decisions final) from among the bunch for the June 18th post and the prize package. 

Thanks for stopping by today. I’ll look forward to reading your thoughts. Have a great week, everybody.





The post 2 Big Announcements—and a Giveaway! appeared first on Mark’s Daily Apple.

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