Goal Setting: Don’t Focus on the Scale

Goal Setting: Don’t Focus on the Scale

It’s time to embark on a new kind of fitness program with Oxygen Challenge coach Erin Stern.

You’ve decided to get into the best shape of your life. But what does that actually mean? Many of us, myself included, have had the idea of training to lean down or to lose weight. It’s a pretty common goal, and the media continues to perpetuate it through ads for weight-loss products and plans.

I see two issues with this fuzzy goal. First, it’s not a tangible goal. It’s more of a moving target. How much weight do you want to lose? What happens if you gain muscle and lose fat? Second, it’s a goal based in self-judgment. You end up beating yourself down before you even start!

Let’s talk about a way to set goals and track progress that will set your world on fire!

We take this approach in my 90-day challenge. We’ll work to build a solid foundation, then focus on sculpting physique. In the last 30 days, we’ll shred and reveal the work from the previous 60 days. We take it one goal at a time, and the results are truly incredible!

The Erin Stern Challenge will guide you through her essential fitness and nutrition regimen and help you develop a routine and mindset to make a lifetime of change.

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