Pre-Workout: Elevate Training With PreCharge

Pre-Workout: Elevate Training With PreCharge

This pre-workout energy product from Novaforme will help improve your workouts, results and health.

PreCharge was designed by Novaforme with the intent of being the healthiest energy drink available. This product contains many ingredients and nutrients that are known to boost energy to improve physical performance, decrease fatigue, extend endurance and even hasten recovery for your next training session. In addition, the product contains multiple ingredients that support good nutrition and health. PreCharge achieves this by including supplements that protect your body against harmful free radicals. The ingredients provide antioxidants that destroy these harmful chemicals. In addition, PreCharge provides whole-body oxygenation and delivers more than 100 percent of your daily need for vitamin B12.

Here’s more about what PreCharge contains and how you can benefit from supplementing it:

PreCharge provides green-tea extracts for antioxidant protection and other benefits.

This product contains green-tea extract (150 milligrams), matcha green-tea extract (100 milligrams) and yerba mate green tea (50 milligrams), all of which provide polyphenols. These plant nutrients provide antioxidant protection to fight free radicals, the harmful chemicals that destroy cells unless they are neutralized. Free radicals are generated by many types of stress, including exercise. Antioxidants from green-tea extracts and other nutrients in PreCharge help destroy free radicals. In addition, these green-tea extracts enhance production of norepinephrine, the brain chemical that boosts energy, as well as increasing GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid), an amino-acid-like compound that provides a calming effect. Both these benefits support athletic achievement and recovery.

PreCharge delivers natural caffeine for better focus and fat burning.

This product provides caffeine from natural sources, including Coffea robusta (95 milligrams) and guarana extract (75 milligrams at 22 percent caffeine). Caffeine is nature’s energy, and in addition to providing enhanced energy by stimulating your central nervous system, it also promotes better focus and blunts pain associated with training. This allows you to train harder for longer. In addition, caffeine helps your body release fat from storage, allowing you to reduce body fat while you use these calories to fuel workouts. Caffeine also boosts metabolism for several hours after ingestion, helping to prevent your body from storing calories you’ve just consumed as fat.

PreCharge contains beetroot extract and cordyceps to support endurance and recovery.

This product contains plenty of high-quality, dark-red pigment antioxidants. In fact, you’d have to drink 11 glasses of red wine to get as many of these as one serving of PreCharge provides. We don’t recommend the former — stick to no more than your one glass per day! Beetroot extract encourages nitric-oxide production, the gas molecule that allows blood vessels to relax so that more nutrients can flow to working muscles and help them train harder and recover more quickly. Cordyceps is derived from a fungus, and it supports increased levels of adenosine triphosphate, the energy currency of muscles, as well as improving your body’s ability to use oxygen for improved cardiovascular capacity and endurance.

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