Diet & Nutrition

“Has Mark given up Primal?” I get this question all the time, and I’m not surprised. Over the past few years, I’ve really focused on exploring the utility, applications, and ins and outs of the ketogenic diet. Why? I’m still Primal and have been for over a decade. That won’t ever change. And you can go...

For today’s edition of Dear Mark, I’m answering questions about vitamin K2 and microworkouts. The last two posts on both topics garnered a number of good questions. What’s the best dose of vitamin K2? Should statin users taking vitamin K2, since statins inhibit vitamin K2 activity and production? Can vitamin K2 prevent or reverse arterial...

A special thanks to Courtney Hamilton at for today’s keto recipe roundup. Popsicles, ice cream, and icy drinks—did you say goodbye to all these summer treats when you embarked on a keto diet? Well, with these recipes, you can have your frozen goodie and fuel ketosis, too. These low-carb frozen keto treats include everything that’s great...

When I say “hack” or “biohack,” what does that call to mind for you? Taking 20 supplements per day, shining special lights into your ears, stem cell injections? Simpler things like wearing blue light blocking glasses or turning your shower to cold for 30 seconds? The term has become ubiquitous in modern parlance, to the point...

For today’s edition of Dear Mark, I’m answering a few questions from recent comment boards. First, with all the scary tick-related news coming out lately, are there any non-toxic tick repellents that actually work? Are there essential oils that repel and/or kill ticks? Is there a safer way to use insecticides? Next, were the people...

A special thanks to Courtney Hamilton at for today’s keto recipe roundup. Yes, you can have desserts while on keto! These totally sugar-free and low-carb recipes prove that it’s not only possible, but also deliciously satisfying. The trick to keto desserts is relying on healthy fats to provide richness while using low-carb sweeteners like monk fruit or...

As I’ve written before, although most people’s lipid numbers improve across the board, some people get interesting cholesterol responses to Primal ketogenic diets. LDL skyrockets, even LDL particle number. The jury’s out on whether or not they indicate negative health concerns or if keto dieters are a special breed that hasn’t received enough study. (There...