Diet & Nutrition

Thanks to Courtney Hamilton at for today’s keto recipe roundup. One of the biggest challenges on the keto diet is curbing your cravings for carbs. We’re used to filling up on bready things to feel satiated, so it makes sense that we reach for a sandwich when we’re low on energy. Going keto typically means that...

Last week, I linked to a story about a popular vegan blogger, author, and influencer who found herself going into menopause at the age of 37 despite doing “everything right.” She exercised, she ate raw, she avoided gluten and refined sugar, and, most importantly, she avoided all animal products. Now, this wasn’t a randomized controlled...

For today’s edition of Dear Mark, I’m answering questions from the comment sections of the recent posts on daily keto carb limits, within-meal keto carb limits, and electrolytes. I’m addressing questions about alcohol, uniform carb allowances versus personalized, potassium supplementation, salt appetite, salt water, electrolytes after the transition, whether fruits fit in, and why I...

The one piece of advice all newcomers to the ketogenic diet receive is to “get enough electrolytes.” It doesn’t matter what flavor of keto diet you’re talking about—paleo, carnivore, Primal, standard, clinical, mainstream, salami-and-cream-cheese. They all mention the importance of getting your electrolytes, particularly during the transition from a higher-carb diet. I’ve said it. I say...

When you stop to think about it, mushrooms are remarkable. They’re closer to animals than plants on the tree of life. They can break down plastic and petroleum. The single largest organism on the planet is an underground honey fungus spanning almost 3 miles in the the state of Oregon. They carry messages along their underground fungal networks using...