Diet & Nutrition

For today’s edition of Dear Mark, I’m answering three questions from readers. First, what’s the deal with exercise-induced asthma? Is there anything we can do to lessen its impact and incidence? Second, is CBD oil helpful for diabetics? And finally, do bodyweight exercises always require warm-ups? What about workouts in general—do you need to warm-up...

Have you tried hemp oil? After almost a century of being outlawed, hemp—a form of cannabis with extremely low levels of psychoactive THC—is now legal in the United States. This is big news for people interested in the therapeutic effects of cannabidiol (or CBD) because—while hemp doesn’t contain enough THC, the compound that provides the “high”...

Move over, keto crotch. There’s a new fear-mongering anti-keto media blitz forming: keto bloat. According to the “good scientists” of the Kellogg company food lab, an unprecedented number of young people are walking around with bloated guts and colons packed to the brim with impacted fecal matter, and it’s all because they’ve embraced ketogenic diets and...

For this week’s edition of Dear Mark, I’m answering three questions from readers. First, is the reduced protein efficiency in older adults due to inactivity, or is it something inherent to the aging process, or both? Second, how does a person know if they’ve actually “earned” any carbs? Does everyone on a keto diet earn...

I have a confession to make: I, Mark Sisson, suffer from keto crotch. It’s embarrassing, really. I thought maybe it was just the change in climate moving from Malibu to Miami—the humidity, the heat, the fact that I’m paddling and swimming more often now. There’s a whole lot of moisture down there. Perpetual steaminess. But then I...

The relationship between stress and carbohydrates is confusing, with seemingly contradictory arguments bouncing around the online health sphere. There are those who say high-carb diets cause stress, and that eating more fat and fewer carbs is the solution. There are those who say high-fat diets increase stress and eating carbs ameliorates it. Who’s right? They can’t both be...