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Who’s that person? Nope, it’s not me. Although health coaches are a great resource for helping you set goals, overcome obstacles, and get out of your own well-intentioned way. For the record, that person is also not your spouse, your roommate, your friends, or your kids. The one person who can make you reach all your...

You can’t change your genes. But you can program them. The modern world presents a number of problems for our genes. The world we’ve constructed over the last 50 years is not the environment in which our genetic code evolved. Our genes don’t “expect” historically low magnesium levels in soil, spending all day indoors and all...

Research of the Week Yoga promotes stress resilience. Adipose tissue is limited by the number of embryonic progenitor cells. Relying only on antibody testing may not capture everyone with coronavirus immunity. Birds who swallow fish eggs whole may deposit them intact and viable into isolated lakes. New Primal Blueprint Podcasts Episode 430: Shawn Baker MD: Host Elle Russ chats with Dr....

Contrary to what we’ve been told, cholesterol didn’t evolve to give us heart disease. It’s not here to kill us. The actual roles of cholesterol in the body include insulating neurons, building and maintaining cellular membranes, participating in the immune response, metabolizing fat soluble vitamins, synthesizing vitamin D, producing bile, and kick-starting the body’s synthesis...