Training Advice for Women

Including more balance and stability training is a brilliant way to enhance your athletic performance and physique goals.As athletes, we know we should follow a balanced workout program, but as humans, we tend to do what we like and avoid what we don’t. Along those lines, balance and stability training probably take a back seat...

A supportive circle can push you to new heights! Here, Cassey Ho, fitness instructor and founder of Blogilates, explains how to find or make a community of your own.How important is it to have a strong support system when beginning a fitness journey?It is extremely important to have a support system. Doesn’t matter if it’s...

High-intensity interval training and efficient circuit strategies allow you to reach your goals in less time.We live in a time of multitasking, micromanaging, screen jumping and spreading ourselves thin — leaving many of us overworked and overstressed. I don’t care how perfect your nutrition is or how many workouts you’re fitting in each week, if...

Oxygen blogger Genevieve Gyulavary explains the clean-and-jerk and the snatch – and how these elegant exercises are for men and women alike!"The snatch"Ever since I was a little girl, I have received the message through media or interactions with other people that I am supposed to remain small. Even today as I sit here and...

When it comes to exercise, will extreme temperatures give you an edge?When it comes to exercise, is it worth using extreme temperatures?First there was hot yoga, with proponents swearing by the purifying, energy-boosting effects of the heat. Now there are cold-temperature studios that claim that a chilly environment is the perfect way to boost calorie...