weekend link love

Research of the Week Eating home cooking reduces phthalate exposure. Having a life purpose reduces the impact of income on life satisfaction. Structured music lessons improve academic performance. Global antibiotic use is up 65% since 2000. New Primal Blueprint Podcasts Episode 231: Lauren Lobley: Host Elle Russ chats with Lauren Lobley, who stepped out of the gluten-laced world of the pastry...

Research of the Week Hunger blunts chronic pain. Chronic inflammation impairs tastebud renewal. Certain phytonutrients, vitamins, and NAC may increase the effectiveness of treatments for psychosis. 5:2 “fasting diets” (eat normally for five days, eat almost nothing for two) beat low-calorie diets. Dogs on a diet high in protein and fat recover more quickly after joint injuries than dogs on a high-carb...