weekend link love

Research of the Week Mice with breast cancer who do yoga (there’s a visual) have smaller tumors. Chess grandmasters enjoy longer lives, just like elite athletes. Throwing could be primarily a male adaptation. More and more kids are overusing ADHD drugs. New Primal Blueprint Podcasts Episode 247: Dr. Alvin Danenberg: Host Elle Russ chats with Primal Health Coach and dentist Dr. Alvin...

Research of the Week Healthy food rules at home stick outside of the home. CBD (marijuana compound that doesn’t get you high) reduces seizures. Smart people’s neurons have fewer connections. People who live in small towns and rural areas are happiest, at least in Canada. New Primal Blueprint Podcasts Episode 245: Wayne Levine: Host Elle Russ chats with Wayne Levine, who...

For today’s edition of Dear Mark, I’m answering five questions about coffee and one about vegan vitamins. First, was I wrong about Aeropress? Second, what’s my take on CA’s move to put a cancer warning on coffee? Third, is aluminum in coffee makers a problem? Fourth, how does instant coffee stack up? Fifth, how can...

Research of the Week Intermittent fasting lowers oxidative stress and improves insulin sensitivity even without weight loss in men. Lower microbiome diversity, more arterial hardening. Deadlifts, not statins. Keto is anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant, and this could help fight neurodegeneration. New Primal Blueprint Podcasts Episode 243: Lisa Nichols: Host Elle Russ chats with Lisa Nichols, one of the most impressive motivational speakers in the world...

Research of the Week Someone was butchering rhinoceros in the Philippines 700,000 years ago. A study finds that Koreans tend to prefer harder rice and Americans prefer softer rice. It’d be interesting to gauge the nature/nurture influence by looking at the preferences of Korean-Americans and biracial children of Korean and American parents. Compared to those raised in rural settings...

The fiber content of control diets in mouse studies often throws off the results. Dark chocolate reduces stress and inflammation, improves mood and cognitive function. In humans. The probiotic L. rhamnosus GG protects mouse livers against acetaminophen damage. Baking soda could protect against autoimmune disease. A novel form of CoQ10 designed to target mitochondria makes blood vessels appear and...

Research of the Week Giving experiences as gifts rather than things fosters better relationships. Caffeine causes brain entropy (thankfully). A new blood test might identify Alzheimer’s before symptoms appear. Consistent meditation training may lead to enduring improvements in sustained focus and response inhibition. Sitting might not be great for your brain, either. New Primal Blueprint Podcasts Episode 235: Paul Robinson: Host Elle...

Research of the Week Two years of 15% calorie restriction slowed metabolism and reduced oxidative stress in older adults. Food allergy linked to nature and nurture. Creating art—even if you aren’t great at it—lowers stress. Chronic nicotinamide riboside supplementation increases NAD+ (an important anti-aging marker) while being well-tolerated. Mindfulness meditation lowers blood pressure via gene expression (if you do it). A five-day break...