weekend link love

Research of the Week “Good cholesterol” may not be so good in postmenopausal women. The path to a man’s heart is through his gut bacteria. 60% of babies born worldwide fail to breastfeed within the first hour, missing a crucial window of nutrition. Giving doctors a little “nudge” triples statin prescription rates. Using ultrasound to open the blood brain barrier...

Research of the Week Replacing some linoleic acid with omega-3s reduces liver fat and oxidative stress. The long term economic impacts of salt iodization in the United States (were good). Cornflakes spike glucose (more than you think). Cat poop parasite may boost entrepreneurialism. I smell a new supplement. Plastics could be altering male genitalia. Late dinners increase breast cancer risk. More...

Research of the Week Swapping out carbs for nuts does wonders. Doctors don’t listen to and often interrupt their patients. Young kids innately malign free riders. Self-esteem peaks at age 60 and doesn’t decline until age 70. The “obesity paradox” is explained by low-lean mass, not low-fat mass. “Extra” muscle is healthy, extra body fat is still bad for you. New...

Research of the Week Open workspaces impair collaboration, cause workers to “withdraw” from face-to-face social contact (PDF). Skinny-fat isn’t just a bad look. It presages Alzheimer’s. Speaking of which, melatonin shows promise at staving off Alzheimer’s. Aspirin, too. If you want to be insulin-resistant, use a night light. Yet another study shows the benefits of green spaces, including lower risks of...

Research of the Week Humans have a Dunbar’s number for “regularly visited places.” Rapamycin counters aging in old rats by triggering autophagy. Movement is great. Mindful movement is even better. Treating Alzheimer’s with CT scans: radiation hormesis. Probiotics are good for old bones. New Primal Blueprint Podcasts Episode 257: Monica Reinagel: Host Elle Russ chats with Monica Reinagel, founder of the Nutrition Diva...

Research of the Week Medium chain triglycerides increase ketones and brain energy metabolism in Alzheimer’s patients. Got treatment-resistant cluster headaches? Try going keto for three months. Prestige boosts testosterone in men. Creatine improves cognition in healthy people. New Primal Blueprint Podcasts Episode 255: James Broderick: Host Elle Russ chats with James Broderick, a rewilding expert who helps Silicon Valley residents ditch...

Research of the Week Bigger waists, lower vitamin D. People with severe mental illnesses are more likely than the general population to have diabetes or pre-diabetes. Broccoli sprouts improve symptoms in kids with autism. Gene-editing with CRISPR might cause cancer. New Primal Blueprint Podcasts Episode 253: Karen Martel: Host Elle Russ chats with Karen Martel, a certified Transformational Nutrition Coach and...

Research of the Week Removing your tonsils is associated with more infectious, respiratory, and allergic diseases across your lifetime. Having them removed by a trained professional isn’t much better. Researchers recommend easing up on psilocybin restrictions. Smoking one plant may help addicts stop smoking another. Kids with ADHD or autism are more likely to have food allergies. New Primal Blueprint...

Research of the Week Spin classes: good for your fitness, bad for your ears. Merging academics with physical activity boosts both without sacrificing either. In older adults, “negative wealth shocks” increase all-cause mortality. A packed schedule kills productivity. Keto-related changes to the gut biome mediate the reduction in seizure activity. New Primal Blueprint Podcasts Episode 249: Wendy Myers: Host Elle Russ chats...