weekend link love

Research of the Week In a study paid for by Impossible Foods, a novel yeast product used in the meat-less Impossible Burger was found to trigger weight gain and raise blood markers related to kidney disease in rats. Researchers discover DMT-making neurons. Smoking cigarettes is associated with negative changes in personality. Antidepressant usage linked to an increase in suicide. Giving...

Research of the Week Traditional fishing practices beat conventional wisdom. Body fat is directly linked to heart disease. Dogs evolved special facial muscles so they could manipulate our emotions. Eating more protein via red meat is good for obese seniors. Fertilizer is responsible for way more methane than livestock. Food deserts cannot explain obesity. New Primal Blueprint Podcasts Episode 349: Leanne Vogel: Host...

Research of the Week Distracting yourself to get through unpleasant but important activities doesn’t work. Cereal is still full of glyphosate. How estrogen protects bone. A very low-carb diet is effective and sustainable (over 2 years) for type 2 diabetics. New Primal Blueprint Podcasts Episode 348: CJ Hunt: CJ Hunt returns to chat with host Elle Russ about misleading health studies...

Research of the Week Modern hunter-gatherers probably don’t live in particularly marginalized areas, at least compared to other subsistence groups. Since 2008, diabetes incidence in the US has actually gone down (apparently driven mostly by non-Hispanic whites). Bipolar disorder increases the risk of Parkinson’s. DIY skills are dropping. Even the liver’s circadian rhythm responds to light at night. So does...

Research of the Week Researchers find 120,000-year old evidence of starchy tuber consumption. General intelligence in orangutans. Ravens feel bad when their friends feel bad. Two things that recent research suggests is good for multiple sclerosis patients: red meat and keto. Habitual coffee consumption may reduce all-cause mortality by improving resting heart rate. New Primal Blueprint Podcasts Episode 344: Endurance: Brad’s Tough...

Research of the Week Fasting may help pancreatic beta cells regenerate. Intelligence predicts preference for instrumental music. Women’s cognitive performance increases at higher ambient temperatures. Lithium reduces suicidal ideation in depression. Regulating your gut biome may be an effective way to treat anxiety. Hunter-gatherers have more leisure time than farmers. New Primal Blueprint Podcasts Episode 341: Endurance: Debbie Potts on a Holistic Approach...

Research of the Week Scientists can’t quantify what makes a good liar. Medieval English peasants ate mostly meat stew, cheese, fruits, and vegetables. Bowel cancer rates rise among young adults. Researchers identify two gut bacteria linked to mental health. In mice, a keto diet lowers schizophrenia symptoms, partially by modulating the gut biome. New Primal Blueprint Podcasts Episode 339: Jeffrey M. Smith:...

Research of the Week You’re absorbing sunscreen into your blood. “Whole, fresh fruit probably does not contribute to obesity and may have a place in the prevention and management of excess adiposity.” Before they had fire, early hominids may have cooked using hydrothermal vents. Low-carb enteral feeding works. Among indigenous Americans, living in Alaska produced genetic adaptations to high altitude...

Research of the Week Third party research confirms that a pasture-based cattle operation in Georgia is securing more carbon in the soil than it releases. The influence personality has on longevity might be modulated by its influence on sleep habits. Higher inflammation, more impulsivity. Exercise improves sperm quality, and this quality is transferred to offspring who are lucky enough...

Research of the Week Scientists generate speech from brain recordings. In the U.S., sedentary behavior has remained stable or gotten more prevalent. Visualizing coffee might be enough (not buying this one). Pigs who eat chicken generate more lipid oxidation products than pigs who eat beef. When we sleep, our brain distinguishes between important and unimportant sounds. Thinking of your future self...