weekend link love

Research of the Week Statins linked to diabetes, again. A ketogenic diet helps relapsing MS patients lower fatigue, reduce depression, and lose weight. Indigenous Australians traded pottery with Papua New Guineans for thousands of years. A fatty liver epidemic in young people is bad news and simply shouldn’t be happening (but is). Narcissists make better citizens. New Primal Blueprint Podcasts Episode 328:...

Research of the Week The common food additive TBHQ, a synthetic antioxidant used to preserve freshness, appears to impair the immune response to influenza. Maori people have a greater insulin response to fructose than BMI-matched Europeans. There’s a new DNA editing tool in town. Good dog. Dog owners tend to be more happy than cat owners. New Primal Blueprint Podcasts Episode 325:...

Last call to enter the Mark’s Daily Apple Ultimate Coffee Giveaway. This one closes Monday (4/8/19) at midnight PDT. Research of the Week Testosterone-induced aggression may be mediated by dopamine. Cognitive reappraisal can make a workout seem easier. In alcoholics, brain damage progresses even after they stop drinking. Scientists may have debunked the existence of “depression genes.” Sugar crash, not sugar...

Research of the Week GMO soybean oil (made to have less PUFA and more MUFA) causes less obesity than conventional soybean oil 12 weeks of keto improve cognitive function, eating behavior, physical performance, and metabolic health in obese people. Older adults are still capable of growing new neurons, except if they have Alzheimer’s. More inflammation, more impulsivity. Want to bulk...

Research of the Week “Thermally-abused” (great term) soybean oil promotes breast cancer progression. Big moralizing gods came after the rise of civilizations. Strong weed linked to psychosis. Reindeer brew alcohol in their bodies to deal with cold winters. The link between statins and type 2 diabetes is even stronger than we thought. “Ancient monkey bone tools.” That is all. Case study: ketogenic...

Research of the Week Neolithic Brits hosted massive feasts that drew people and pigs from all over the island. Researchers say they’ve found a cholesterol-lowering drug without the muscle-damaging side effects of statins. Among people with kidney disease, higher oxalate excretion in the urine predicts kidney disease progression. “Our estimates imply that prescription opioids can account for 44 percent...

Don’t Miss the Deadline! Today (3/8/19) is the last day to enter the success story giveaway! Three prizes in all for three randomly chosen (complete = write-up and photos) submissions: a $200 Primal Kitchen gift certificate for one person and a 5-book Primal library for two additional people. Everyone submitting (at any time) will receive...

Research of the Week Poor quality relationships are harder on you than having too few. Intelligence and rational thinking are not the same thing. Move over, forest bathing. The hot new thing for Alzheimer’s is gene bathing for your brain. Temporal comprehension of a story is better when you read a physical book versus using an e-reader. Researchers discover evidence...

Research of the Week Self-expanding activities increase sexual desire in long-term couples. Why you’re so naked and sweaty. New isotope analysis reveals that Neanderthals were mostly carnivorous. Alzheimer’s can’t touch musical memories. We have a 7th sense—the link between the brain and the immune system. Why the zebra got his stripes. New Primal Blueprint Podcasts Episode 313: Carrie Forrest: Host Elle Russ chats...

Research of the Week Stimulating the vagus nerve helps PTSD. Exercise has a stronger effect on cognitive function in older men than older women (who already had better function at baseline). Estrogen controls type 2 diabetes. Small teams of scientists disrupt ideas, larger teams develop ideas. AIs are great at colluding. If you have a family history of obesity, eat fish....