Diet & Nutrition

For today’s edition of Dear Mark, I’m answering three questions from readers. First, does the renewed vigor assailing the keto diet have me worried about my business? Should I start going vegan to cover all my bases? Second, did the “ketones for overtraining” study from last week control for calories? And third, how can a...

Research of the Week Evidence of cooked starchy rhizomes from 170,000 years ago. Prenatal exposure to phthalates linked to lower muscle mass at 6 years of age in girls (but not boys). More liver and pancreatic fat, more diabetes. Damaged mitochondria promote autoimmune disease. New Primal Blueprint Podcasts Episode 397: Darryl Edwards: Host Elle Russ chats with the one and only...

A little while back, Mark posted an article about 14 scenarios in which intermittent fasting (IF) might be just the ticket. We got some requests for a follow-up about times when IF might not be advised. Mark has already written about cautions for women and athletes specifically. I’ll link those at the bottom. More generally, it’s...

A big problem with New Year’s resolutions is not something intrinsic to the practice of resolving to make positive changes in the coming year—these can be beneficial forces in a person’s life—but with the way we word our resolutions. Word choice determines everything. Words mean things. The words we use determine everything that follows. With...

‘Tis the season for consumption. Cookies, cakes, and pies abound. Feasts happen on a regular basis. Candy is given and received as gifts. And there are parties immeasurable—at work, with family, with friends—where calorie-dense, rewarding food is handed out, like, well, candy. The holiday season is a practice in overeating, and it can be very hard...

A couple weeks ago I wrote a post about how to read scientific research papers. That covered what to do. Today I’m going to tell you what NOT to do as a consumer of research studies. The following are bad practices that can cause you to misinterpret research findings, dismiss valid research, or apply scientific findings...