Nutrition for Women

Don't skip the most important meal of the day, especially if you train in the a.m. These whole-food breakfast ideas will boost your energy and performance. In an ideal world, you’d eat a solid meal or snack 60 to 90 minutes before your early-morning workout, but if your schedule is crazy or you simply can’t stomach...

Dare to try this zesty low-carb entrée recipe from Next-Level Lifting Coach Candice Lewis-Carter. Who doesn’t love a savory, low-carb dish that’s also easy to make? Because I maintain a keto lifestyle to help manage my symptoms of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), I’m always looking for tasty dishes that focus mainly on protein and vegetables. I’m including...

Transform your end-of-summer barbecue menu with these healthy swaps guests will love. As summer winds down, there seem to be a lot of “lasts” — the last few carefree days before school starts, the last of the warm weather and sunshine, and the last barbecue of the season. Whether you’re hosting a Labor Day barbecue or bringing...

Looking for something to keep you feeling full? Turn to fiber. Here’s an apple shake that provides almost half your daily needs. Bulk up, belly down! Aim for 25 to 30 grams of fiber per day from fruits and vegetables. On a daily basis, most North American women get only about half the recommended amount. This...

Here are some common marketing terms and tactics used on food labels. Learn to separate the hyped from the healthy and make the most informed choices about your nutrition. Marketing and magic are frequent bedfellows, and entire teams of people get paid to create David Blaine–worthy illusory campaigns in order to make a product seem better/healthier...

Uncover the truth about some popular “health” foods and learn how to separate fiction from fact. Food and drink manufacturers are brilliant at making products seem healthier than they are by using hot-button words like “whole-grain,” “all-natural” and “plant-based.” Some products are so well-disguised that they may unknowingly be something akin to junk food and upend...