September 2018

James Michelfelder / M+F MagazineFix These Getup Gaffes 1) Your setup is all wrong Many guys curl the weight up to their shoulder while on their back, which can lead to rotator cuff injuries. Instead, “lie on your side with knees and hips at 45-degree angles and put both hands on the weight, pull it close to...

Per Bernal / M+F MagazineMuscle Fibers: What’s the difference? Type I (Slow-Twitch)ROLE: Endurance-focused, slower to fatigue. Has a lot of mitochondria (the energy units of the cell); not much power.FIND IT: Muscles that work hard over long periods of time, such as postural muscles, the calves, and the hip flexors.USE IT: For endurance activities such as...