September 2018

Welcome to Friday’s For The Love of Food, Summer Tomato’s weekly link roundup. This week it’s time to stop fat shaming, natural beauty product makers want more regulation, and how much strength training is necessary. Next week’s Mindful Meal Challenge will start again on Monday. Sign up now to join us! Too busy to read them all? Try...

Michael Ochs ArchivesWith all the hype surrounding Sylvester Stallone’s return as Rocky Balboa in Creed II, it’s the upcoming Rambo sequel that’s even more interesting. In Creed, Sly’s taken on a mentor role to Michael B. Jordan’s Adonis Creed, but in the upcoming Rambo 5, Stallone is hopping back into his familiar action hero territory. Not...

Can good productivity habits contribute to other good habits, like eating well and getting outdoors? Today, we have a special Q&A bonus episode where I’ll be sharing one of my favorite tools that has helped me since I was an overachieving pre-teen, and continues to pay big dividends in productivity and in art to this...