Training Tips for Women

Gone are the days of static stretching as a solitary recovery protocol. Here are five new ways to accelerate recovery and improve performance.These days, recovery is serious business, and athletes across the spectrum are allotting as much effort to their time off as they are to their training. A step beyond the everyday practices of...

High-intensity interval training and efficient circuit strategies allow you to reach your goals in less time.We live in a time of multitasking, micromanaging, screen jumping and spreading ourselves thin — leaving many of us overworked and overstressed. I don’t care how perfect your nutrition is or how many workouts you’re fitting in each week, if...

Don’t shrug off these stubborn muscles — tone your delts with this foolproof sequence.Whether you’re rocking trendy cold-shoulder blouses, have your sights set on upcoming summer tank tops or simply want the strength to lift more, doing focused moves to sculpt sexy shoulders is key. “Working your shoulders is essential to creating a V-shaped torso...

Whip up super-smart smoothies and more with this incredible new product from Ninja.Photo Courtesy of NinjaNinja has asserted itself as the king of all blenders over the last several years — and with good reason. Not only are their products affordable and reliable, the company also creates new products on the reg with time-saving and...

Trade tight hips for peachy-keen glutes with this smooth-flowing dynamic stretching routine.Tight hip flexors can neurologically weaken your glute complex, robbing you of the ability to fully extend your hips and cash in on complete gluteal activation. This means all that hard work you’re doing in the gym — lunging, squatting and deadlifting — may...

Activate your core and strengthen your back with this comprehensive guide of techniques to decrease pain and improve spinal health.Eighty percent of Americans are estimated to experience at least one episode of back pain in their lives. And according to the American Chiropractic Association, the total cost of back pain treatment in the United States...

Got the workout blahs? Cover model and certified trainer Jennifer Nicole Lee can change that. Check out this playlist she created exclusively for Oxygen that includes a compilation of her favorite songs that get her moving and keep her motivated.Got the workout blahs? Cover model and certified trainer Jennifer Nicole Lee can change that. Check...