
This simple recipe from OC4 coach Jen Widerstrom features a savory, satisfying, meaty mix of mushrooms and lean beef. Omit the cheese, if you’re dairy-free.Spicy Stuffed PeppersServes 3Ingredients:3 medium bell peppers (any color) 2 tbsp olive oil1 small onion, chopped1 1/2 tsp salt, plus more to taste1/4 teaspoon black pepper, plus more to taste 1/2...

OC4 Coach Karina Smirnoff shares two of her favorite easy seafood recipes that provide the protein you need to fuel healthy muscle growth without extra calories and fat.Zucchini SwordfishServes 2Ingredients:1 large zucchini, sliced into thin, 3-inch strips½ tsp black pepper1 box precut white or oyster mushroomsHandful black olives, chopped1 tbsp canned jalapenos, minced2 1-lb swordfish...

On June 23rd, the world changes. Every RV, Subaru Outback, and pickup truck in every neighborhood across the country disappears from city limits. Expect the swoosh of fiberglass poles sliding through tent fabric to resound across the land and millions of campfires to produce enough smoke to block out the sun. Molted marshmallow flows will...