April 2018

Per BernalJohn Cena celebrated his 41st birthday exactly how you'd expect him to: He's lifting very heavy weights in the gym. Cena, the cover star of the May issue of M&F's sibling publication Men's Journal, posted this set of impressive deadlifts on Twitter: [RELATED1] 41 years old. 500lbs x3 “clean grip” deadlift. #EarnTheDay #NeverGiveUp #RAW pic.twitter.com/U9b4q1KioI — John Cena...

If you (or someone you care about) needs a little more convincing on the importance cutting junk food out completely, look no further than today’s guest, Dr. Joel Fuhrman. Seriously, he is passionate (to say the least!) about educating the masses on the immense damage just a little greasy food can cause. After this episode, you...

In a world of ‘overnight abs’ and ‘drop 20 pounds this week’ promises, is it even possible to sell sustainable results — and the long-term coaching required to get them? Here at Precision Nutrition, we’ve been doing just that for 15 years. Here are 6 strategies to help you do it too. +++++ Six weeks to cheese-grating...