November 2018

Legendary trainer Glass takes IFBB pro superstar Martinez through an unusual leg workout.To train a legend, you have to be a legend. When superstar bodybuilder Victor Martinez was recovering from knee surgery, there was only one person who could get him back in competition shape—Charles Glass. Glass, who is notorious for his unconventional training methods,...

For a lot of the health nuts out there it's easy to obsess about nutrition, but how many people are really paying attention to what's in the water they drink? Returning to the show today is one of my favorite guests, a wild man himself, Mr. Arthur Haines.Powered by WPeMatico...

Welcome to Friday’s For The Love of Food, Summer Tomato’s weekly link roundup. This week how to save your kids from sugar, pesticides dangerous for unborn children, and lavender works as well as valium. Next week’s Mindful Meal Challenge will start again on Monday. Sign up now to join us! Too busy to read them all? Try this awesome free...