
Per BernalWhat It Is A hellacious bench-press challenge—created by Jim Smith, C.P.P.S., owner of Diesel Strength and Conditioning—that tests your upper-body strength and endurance. How It Works “The challenge is to bench-press your body weight for as many reps as possible in five minutes,” says Smith. “You can set the weight down whenever you need to during the...

Welcome to Friday’s For The Love of Food, Summer Tomato’s weekly link roundup. This week eggs and romaine recalled, you aren’t as active as you think, and gluten-free is impossible. Next week’s Mindful Meal Challenge will start again on Monday. Sign up now to join us! Too busy to read them all? Try this awesome free speed reading app to read...

Bloomberg Creative Photos / GettyAthletes are increasingly turning to cannabis—particularly the non-psychoactive cannabinoid CBD—for everything from pain relief to anxiety reduction. Research is finding evidence of CBD’s therapeutic benefits. And while the federal government remains slow to change its views, other regulatory bodies are starting to recognize CBD’s potential to benefit recovery. In September 2017, the...

For a full year now, I’ve been going to a few Orangetheory Fitness classes a week. I do that, plus a few hard-core workouts at my usual gym, The Fit Pit, plus a quick run around the neighborhood or some yoga at home as needed, and I feel like my it’s been really great for...

Sometimes it can feel as if you are completely alone in your healthstyle struggles. While some problems are fairly commonplace (e.g. How can I fit a workout into my busy workday?), others can feel so uniquely your own that it feels nearly impossible to come up with a solution. In today’s episode I help Ellen tackle...

Oxygen Challenge coach Erin Stern explains how taking time off helps you avoid setbacks and achieve your goals.When it comes to professional athletics, there are definite seasons. In the offseason, training volume is increased and programs are based on progressive overload, a strategy that increases the difficulty of workouts as the athlete’s body adjusts over...

Tone up and build confidence with these four simple yet powerful arm exercises.As the weather begins to hint at sunshine and warmer temps, the realization that you will soon need to shed layers of clothing begins to set in. But are you ready to reveal your arms to the world? “It isn’t uncommon for winter...

Not long ago, we went, well, nuts for this recipe from Paul Vincent, a Hollywood trainer who’s worked with celebrities like Chris Pine, Ryan Gosling, and Harrison Ford. And while we do love that seasoned almonds recipe, we wanted to hear a little more from him. Like, oh, what it’s like working with Han Freakin’...