brain fog

How would you like to build a thriving business around your passion? Well, the good news is that you can. You can make that happen. There is a lot of confidence that comes when you start to do your own thing. And we have a wonderful example on the show here today.Powered by WPeMatico...

Let’s face it - “hair of the dog” is never a good idea. So how about you swap that bottom-shelf bloody mary for a virgin cocktail packed with nutrients to help you detox instead?Powered by WPeMatico...

Did you know your gut is responsible for producing about 90% of your serotonin? There’s a lot going on in that gut of yours, and today we're here with Dr. Michael Ruscio talking about the link between your gut, your body, and your brainPowered by WPeMatico...

While skipping just the occasional meal can be beneficial, cycling periods of fasting (usually in the morning) and feasting (usually at night) can aid detoxification, encourage fat burning, and improve immune function.Powered by WPeMatico...

This show features the incredibly inspiring story of Dr. Terry Wahls, a clinical professor of medicine, author, and living testament to the power of healing your body with real food. A few years ago, Terry was sentenced to a tilt-recline wheelchair with progressive Multiple Sclerosis. Today, she bikes to work, speaks all over the country,...