
Research of the Week Two years of 15% calorie restriction slowed metabolism and reduced oxidative stress in older adults. Food allergy linked to nature and nurture. Creating art—even if you aren’t great at it—lowers stress. Chronic nicotinamide riboside supplementation increases NAD+ (an important anti-aging marker) while being well-tolerated. Mindfulness meditation lowers blood pressure via gene expression (if you do it). A five-day break...

Welcome to Friday’s For The Love of Food, Summer Tomato’s weekly link roundup. Hey guess what? I’m back! I’m going to try my best to start up FTLOF again and start posting new content. I’m making no promises about consistency, but I’m excited to jump back into ST. I’ve missed you guys! These are some of my...

Find relief in these quick and easy yet effective yoga practices.Instead of reaching for that bottle of painkillers in your medicine cabinet the next time you experience a headache or back pain, try channeling your inner yogi. Why? While 11.5 million Americans living with chronic pain misuse prescription opioids, there are alternative treatment options available...

It’s Friday, everyone! And that means another Primal Blueprint Real Life Story from a Mark’s Daily Apple reader. If you have your own success story and would like to share it with me and the Mark’s Daily Apple community please contact me here. I’ll continue to publish these each Friday as long as they keep...

Why do we eat when we’re not hungry? Today we’re here with Andrew Miles, award-winning doctor of oriental medicine, whose work connects traditional Chinese medicine, Western science and the future of healing.Powered by WPeMatico...

Today we’re featuring an Ask the FBGs post, where readers like you ask the FBGs for advice. Nothing is off limits, although we do prefer that it’s fitness or nutrition related, so send your undying health questions to [email protected]. You just might see them posted here or addressed in a podcast ep in the future! Question from DJ: What’s...