
Struggling to make important changes to your health? Your lifestyle? The way you look and feel? (Or, if you’re a coach, perhaps you’re struggling to help others make these changes.) All the folks you’ll read about today faced those challenges too. Then, with expert coaching, they turned things around, changing their bodies, and their lives....

Research of the Week Intermittent fasting lowers oxidative stress and improves insulin sensitivity even without weight loss in men. Lower microbiome diversity, more arterial hardening. Deadlifts, not statins. Keto is anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant, and this could help fight neurodegeneration. New Primal Blueprint Podcasts Episode 243: Lisa Nichols: Host Elle Russ chats with Lisa Nichols, one of the most impressive motivational speakers in the world...

Check out this FREE 5-day Future of Health and Fitness Coaching course to learn: Why your current method is preventing bigger success, three new coaching models about to take the field by storm, how technology is poised to dominate, and more. The post [THE FUTURE OF HEALTH AND FITNESS COACHING] How new coaching, curriculum, and technology...

Oxygen Challenge coach and The Body Builder’s Kitchen author Erin Stern shares how to cycle your carbohydrates and fats the right way.Our bodies are amazingly efficient. We adapt to training programs in a matter of weeks. If the physical stimulus doesn’t change, our bodies tend to stay the same. I think that eating the same...

It takes less time to make these donuts than it does to drive to your local donut shop, and you’re rewarded with a yummy treat made from simple, pure ingredients. Almond flour, eggs, butter and heavy cream, plus the sweetener of your choice, are the main (and pretty much only) ingredients in these Primal and...

Welcome to Friday’s For The Love of Food, Summer Tomato’s weekly link roundup. This week Michael Pollan talks shrooms, fish more toxic than ever, and perfect poached eggs. Next week’s Mindful Meal Challenge will start again on Monday. Sign up now to join us! Too busy to read them all? Try this awesome free speed reading app to read at 300+...

This show features the incredibly inspiring story of Dr. Terry Wahls, a clinical professor of medicine, author, and living testament to the power of healing your body with real food. A few years ago, Terry was sentenced to a tilt-recline wheelchair with progressive Multiple Sclerosis. Today, she bikes to work, speaks all over the country,...

Next week, we’re turning 10. Ten! A whole decade of Fit Bottomedness up in here. And because this is, ahem, a big deal (with — teaser — a pretty big announcement!), we are getting this party started off right … and early. via GIPHY And we’re doing it the best way we know how: with...