Paleo Diet

Exciting news! Our new Wild Challenge app is finally ready and is available for Android and Apple devices! Get started with the 14-Day Wild Paleo Challenge complete with menus, recipes, shopping lists, tracking tools, giveaways, leaderboards, and more.Powered by WPeMatico...

Every year, the talking heads, magazines, and fitness gurus say that you'd better eat skinless turkey breast out of Tupperware if you don't want to pack on the pounds during the holidays. In this blog post, I'm going to explain how you can have your cake (and eat it, too).Powered by WPeMatico...

If you want to eat right, you always need to be one step ahead of Taco Bell. Whether you're flying, road-tripping, going to school, or just getting ready for work, packing your lunch is for winners.Powered by WPeMatico...

Though she is at the forefront of functional medicine, what sets Dr. Wahls apart is her experience using nutrition and lifestyle interventions to treat progressive health problems and heal her own MS, and later that of others.Powered by WPeMatico...

Today’s show is someone you’ve seen around here before. Mark Divine is an expert around human performance when it comes to mental toughness, leadership, and being a physically ready for anything.Powered by WPeMatico...

In today's show, we chat about how to confront and defuse rabid sugar cravings, what to do when you encounter a cookie in the conference room, how to come to terms with a history of eating disorders and body image issues, and the no willpower way to build impulse control.Powered by WPeMatico...